

Elizabeth Whitman
Elizabeth Whitman

Salmagundi! What is Salmagundi you may ask? Well, the technical definition might suggest that it is a meat salad of sorts. But for Elizabeth and Cody, who first met and bonded over Nokia bricks in high school, it was a literary magazine that set their friendship on the path. At the time, their nemesis was called Archit, there were poems and classes and romance (no, not between them of course). There were the hidden cats in dorm rooms and of course their share of distance. But something greater keeps these two deeply connected, and there is no better person to officiate than Elizabeth.

Wedding Party

Sara Euvino
Sara Euvino

”I don’t understand the assignment.” -Sara Euvino

It’s important for Cody to specify that Sara Euvino is the rank 1 overall Sara. Granted, if you don’t work with them, or haven’t listened to them chat about a thing called Configurable Joins, you can ignore that bit. Believe it or not when Cody joined the Technolutions’ family in 2018 he was vaguely shy. Sara sat behind him and sure enough the two bonded and by July 20th of that year work spouse status was declared (we have the texts to prove it). Over time work spouses took on a new flavor and best friends feels like a more appropriate moniker.

Deyna Rivera
Deyna Rivera

“Be so good they can’t ignore you.” - Steve Martin

Joe met Deyna in 2017 when he had her as his technician at the Genius bar and referred him to Apple. Since then, Deyna has blossomed into an excellent and successful Senior IT Specialist. Deyna and Joe may no longer work for the same company but are more connected than ever.

Paula Schaefer-Riley
Paula Schaefer-Riley

”I won’t try to trap you. Because Boobytrap is Partyboob spelled backwards.”

Once upon a time Paula worked at Allegheny College, under the leadership of someone who shall not be named here. Cody was tasked with implementing their instance of Slate. To say that Allegheny was Cody’s problem child would certainly be ridiculous (wink, wink). That said, Paula was the bright spot, and Cody jumped at the chance to coax her into joining the Technolutions work force. Now Cody is her boss, but more than that, the two became fast friends who share a love of cats, wine, and tormenting colleagues with endless talk of Ohio. Here’s the realest of the real, to you Paula!

Andrew Vedder
Andrew Vedder

”The strongest steel is forged in the fire of a dumpster.” -Unknown

Andrew and Joe met in 2018, working in the trenches of Apple New Haven's Genius bar. Same time working at the genius bar, Andrew also went to school full-time at Goodwin college to become an RN & BSN. Andrew and Joe always share some great laughs, and they are great friends that bond over Beer, Bad memes, and Therapy. Andrew is a great person and an even better friend.

Julian Stirrat
Julian Stirrat
Cody's Best Man

Cody and Julian first met some twenty-five (that’s right, twenty five) years ago in the kindergarten playground that joined their two classrooms. There’s a great story here about Julian and his burgeoning wild side (but also for another day). No matter the space between them, physical or otherwise, there truly is no better brother and best friend. Girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, marriages, divorces, deaths, nothing has kept these two apart. Friends til’ the end.

Mike Giordano
Mike Giordano

”You want a quote from me? about what? Pizza?” -Mike Giordano

Joe met Mike in 2018, both working for Apple New haven, and quickly found a bond. Both share a unique love for technology and a commitment to being their best person. Both Mike and Joe have grown Expoexponentially in a short five years. Mike has always been a massive advocate for Joe and a great friend. Mike has since left Apple and is now A VP of Quality Management for a medical company.